Christiane Feser

Christiane Feser

b. 1977

Christiane Feser is known for her series of “photo objects,” which are three-dimensional, photographic sculptures that look like representational optical experiments.   Starting with simple materials, Feser creates “photo objects” art works, that operate in a middle-ground between photography and sculpture. Her work derives completely from the relationship that she intentionally sets up between the illusionistic space of the photograph and the actual space in which it is exhibited.

Born in Germany, Feser studied visual communications at the University of Art and Design, Offenbach and received a degree in fine art photography in 2006.  She lives and works in Frankfurt.

Feser’s constructions begin as assemblages of simple materials – clay spheres, paper clips, or sewing pins – that are lit and photographed.  The image is first printed and then cut open, folded, punctured, added to, and layered into an abstract composition.  She then lights each construction, often using flash; photographs the construction with a high-resolution digital camera; and finally makes a print on paper similar to that used in the construction.

She subjects the print to further manual intervention, transforming it into a sculptural relief that incorporates illusionistic and actual three-dimensional passages; variations in focus and tonality; and shadows that are both captured in the photograph and cast by the gallery lighting.

This process may be repeated multiple times until object and image are inextricably intertwined.  Careful scrutiny is required to determine if what we are looking at is real or representational.

In “Partition 31” 2015  Feser uses folded pieces of paper that appear as a series of multi-sized cubes but are actually a sophisticated visual puzzle, that requires careful viewing from multiple angles.

Feser’s work has been shown in exhibitions at the Guggenheim Museum; Centro di Cultura Contemporanea Strozzina, Florence; and Monchehaus Museum, Goslar Germany, and others.  Her work is in the permanent collections of the Guggenheim Museum, Monchehaus Museum, and the DZ Bank Art Collection.

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